Spring Forward 2024 Idea Forum

From Club to Cafe and Back Again: Keeping the Party Going for First Year Students Amidst Institutional Changes


Club Carlson is a large-scale event held by University Libraries each year since 2017 to welcome first-year students into the library and allow them to become familiar with library services and spaces in a relaxed environment. University Libraries initially conceived of the event as an after-hours party, with food, music, and activities for students. After being the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of the event in 2020 and 2021, University Libraries wanted to bring back the event for 2022 but organizers were faced with institutional changes and new constraints. Among these issues budget restrictions, health and safety concerns, and staffing shortages. In 2023, there were more challenges, and challenges are already on the horizon for 2024.This presentation will overview how library faculty and staff overcame those changes to support first year students and how they are preparing for future challenges.